Volunteer for us

Volunteer for us

Some of our volunteers with Business Co-Owner Michael Parmenter receiving their FaNs certificates

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Ghandi

Volunteering is a rewarding experience and provides opportunities to share existing talents and experiences while gaining new skills. It is about giving up your time to do a good cause. You don’t get paid but it is a chance for you to develop your current skills and make a real difference in other people’s lives. Here at Aveley Lodge, we welcome volunteers of all ages and experiences.

“One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time” Anon

Why volunteer for us?

Volunteering with Aveley Lodge is about making a difference to the lives of elderly people in your community no matter how much time you have to give. We have lots of opportunities for people who are short of time to be involved. Some of our residents may forget what you say or what you do but they will never forget how you have made them feel!

Potential employers are always impressed to see prospective employees actively involved in the world around them. Volunteering with us will make your CV stand out in a crowd.

Whether it’s assisting our superb catering team with cooking club or our outstanding activities coordinators with events and activities, most of our voluntary opportunities give you the chance to develop new skills and gain confidence. You’ll also get to see from the inside how an award-winning, first-class residential care home works and whether you might like to make a career in the care sector.

We also reward our volunteers with the “My Home Life” awards scheme. Of course you don’t volunteer just to win an award, but we think it’s important to recognise the amazing work our volunteers do.

“Volunteers are not paid; not because they are worthless but because they are priceless” Anon

Benefits of volunteering with us

If you volunteer for us you will:

  • Help make a difference to the lives of the elderly people living in Aveley Lodge
  • Gain valuable experience and make new connections
  • Work within a superb, family run, friendly and professional organisation
  • Be part of an outstanding team and pass on your wisdom
  • Meet new people, make new friends and have fun while doing so
  • Gain confidence and self esteem
  • Explore new areas of interest and develop your talents
  • Gain personal satisfaction and be a positive influence

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill

Volunteering Roles

We have the following voluntary roles available:

  • Afternoon tea waiter/waitress
  • Cooking Club Assistant
  • Gardening Club Assistant
  • Knit and Natter Group Assistant
  • Events Assistant
  • Activities Assistant
  • Maintenance Assistant
  • Pets As Therapy Opportunities

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they have the heart” Elizabeth Andrews


Our volunteer Derek Coe receiving his thank you card and gift voucher from Business Co-Owner Michael Parmenter

What’s next?

If you are interested in volunteering with us, then please call our Team Manager on 01206 729304 choosing option 2 to discuss the role you are interested in or alternatively email teammanager@parmentercare.co.uk.

All volunteers are required to supply references and hold a current and up to date DBS certificate which must be renewed annually, for which there is currently a small charge for during the application process. Please speak to the Team Leader for further details and information on the price of the current charges.

Aveley Lodge is part of the FaNs network in association with My Home Life Essex
