We at Aveley Lodge are very passionate about the level of care that we provide to our residents. Every year we conduct an in-house satisfaction survey with all our residents and their relatives. We are pleased to confirm that we received 100% positive feedback and was rated “Outstanding” in our 2018, 2019 and 2021 surveys. But don’t just take our word for it. Below are a few testimonials & thank you cards that we have received.

Dear Diane, Pat, Simone, Tina, Karen, Sarah, Vicky, Phil, Notts, Alice, Carys, Claire, Emily, Julie, Faye & Wendy.

Please take something from the hamper and enjoy. My thanks to Stephanie and Katy for all your assistance. I will always appreciate your kindness especially in the latter weeks.

On behalf of John I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who cared for him. He was very well looked after, treated with dignity and kindness, even in the difficult moments, a fact appreciated by the family. We would have liked him to have finished his days at Aveley but unfortunately, he was just too sick at the end. As a family we will miss him but at least he is no longer in pain.

Best wishes

Dear Stephanie

Following the death of our mother “MR” on 29th December 2022, we are writing to express our gratitude for the excellent care & attention that mum received since she entered Aveley lodge on 21 December 2017.

We were very apprehensive about placing her in a care home, as she had in the past asked us to promise not to do so. Although initially it was difficult for the three of us, gradually as mum settled in, our fears diminished as we knew that we had chosen the right place for mum to live out the final years of her life.

We would like to thank everyone who works at Aveley Lodge for their input, as we recognise that whatever role is performed, every individual is a ‘cog in the wheel’ that helps to deliver good care.

In the last few days of mum’s life, we witnessed the significant contribution that particular individuals gave, going out of their way to ensure mum’s comfort. These individuals are as follows: Simona, Katy, Tina, Karen, Claire, Tanya, Emma, Davina, Peter & Carys.

We have no doubt there were others working during the night and parts of the day when we were not with Mum. We hope that you will ensure that these dedicated people understand how much their efforts meant a such a difficult time.

We were also impressed with the effort that was made to pack mums belongings prior to us clearing her room. The process was much quicker & easier for us whilst at Aveley Lodge & in respect of processing everything when we arrived home.

Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to you, Deborah, Michael, and Suzanne.

Yours Sincerely

Ms P Field & Ms L Beresky

Our cousin had been a resident at Aveley Lodge for some 6.5 years. During this period the care that he received was excellent. Aveley Lodge offer consistent and respectful care which is person-centred meeting the needs of the individual whilst allowing that person to retain independence and a sense of personal dignity. Having reached 102 with a generally good physical and mental health, sadly our cousin’s health deteriorated suddenly and profoundly in December 2021. The Team at Aveley Lodge showed great compassion to our cousin and to us as his nearest relatives visiting him at that time. The Team liaised closely with the local medical practitioner and the End of Life Team. In consequence, our cousin was able to pass away peacefully in his own bed surrounded by friendly, familiar faces. Thank you to the Team for all that they did for our cousin over the 6 years he was at Aveley Lodge.

My Aunt has been a resident at Aveley for around 6 years now. We have always been satisfied with the level of care which she has received during this time and we have certainly noticed an improvement in her general and mental health. The staff are kind, caring, and attentive to her needs. The food is excellent and the general ambience of the home is warm and friendly. The level of activities that are organised on a day-to-day basis for the enjoyment of the residents is incredible, there is always something going on! Whilst the last couple of years have been extremely difficult with the COVID situation, the Owner and Management Team have handled this magnificently, closely adhering to the Government guidelines and recommendations at all times thereby ensuring the safety of both residents and staff alike. Communication by way of the monthly newsletter is brilliant and keeps both residents and relatives fully up-to-date with what’s going on in the home.

Dear administrators and staff at Aveley Lodge,

We are writing in this in response to the problems you seem to have had with some of the families of your residents.  We appreciate all the efforts you have made to keep our loved one safe, healthy, and socially engaged.  This has been an extremely difficult time for healthcare workers, hospitals, care homes and the like.  We would like you to know that we support you in your ongoing efforts to keep the virus out of the home where you have so many vulnerable residents.  We really cannot fault anything you have done to keep them safe and well.  Please know that we are probably of the silent majority of families who appreciate your efforts.  Do not be discouraged by the difficult, ignorant and negative people who seem to find fault wherever they can.  Be proud of your work and accomplishments in caring for our elderly and vulnerable family members.

Heartfelt thanks for all you do.

“Dear Emma – I felt I should say thank you for the recent card I’m sure you helped Mary send me. It was very touching to receive it, especially in her own handwriting. She is my oldest dearest friend & her position has been very hard to accept. We follow the Aveley Lodge FaceBook page which provides some comfort seeing all the activities you organise & Mary seems to be happy joining in. We feel you’re doing a terrific job & sure the Residents greatly benefit.

Very best regards & thank you again,

“I have only been here a matter of weeks but what can I say? Aveley Lodge is a fabulous little care home. When I arrived for a viewing, the first thing I saw was the fantastic views out across the countryside which reminded me of my early life in Dorset. That immediately made me realise this was my new home. The staff have been so friendly and helpful towards me and my family. Any health problems I have come with have been seen to immediately and I have never felt so good! It is a complete change of life for me coming here and its totally new to me having people look after me for a change but I really do not have to think about anything, the staff have it all covered. The food is just fantastic, I’m even eating things I never would have done at home for myself or thought I didn’t like but it turns out, I do! The place is just so natural and I have no worries as its all taken care of”.

To All the wonderful staff at Aveley Lodge

What would we have done without you? You have all been marvellous, supporting both mum and the family. She would not have got so far in her recovery without your kindness and patience. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts with love.

At the age of 96 my dad’s mobility and dementia became too much for him to be cared for at home so the difficult decision was made to apply for a place in a care home. There are several in this area but we had recommendations from so many friends and neighbours about Aveley that we went to them. Last month we lost him, but the 7 months he was with the staff at Aveley were the best months he had in the last few years of his life. Even at his passing there was always someone with him till the end.
Aveley really did a fantastic job of making his last few months the best anyone could have, he was constantly engaged and cared for by the staff and they have the family’s gratitude for their work.

Mum lived at Aveley Lodge for 3 and a half years. She was welcomed with care and respect and settled quickly. Her health, due to her dementia, declined very gradually over time and her needs were constantly assessed as they changed and were discussed with us and met. Time was taken by all staff to get to know her and her likes and dislikes. I realised very quickly that the professional care was not only for Mum but us as a family and the high standards that are maintained were probably what she had needed sooner had we known how good it would be. Aveley Lodge most certainly was home to Mum. She lived there happily as a valued individual with dignity and respect. We cannot speak highly enough of the way we were kept informed and Mum was loved and made as comfortable as possible at the very end when we were unable to visit or to be with her ourselves due to the coronavirus lockdown safety measures. Thank you all very much.

Our mum went into Aveley Lodge in 2018 as she was diagnosed with vascular dementia. The facilities at the home are amazing, all on one level so no stairs. There are lots of activities, the meals are lovely and the amazing chefs do a variety of themed meals. All the staff are kind and caring. During the COVID-19 my mum has been cared for and kept safe, as have all the residents, would highly recommend Aveley Lodge Care Home

Aveley Lodge is known well to me as I have many clients who have stayed with them over the last few years. In my opinion, it is a shining example of what a care home should be, a home from home, where residents are part of a wider family. The attention to care and support is high and on every visit no matter the time of day or month the staff are friendly, welcoming and helpful. You do not feel awkward or feel that you are putting them out or an inconvenience to them. The residents are always doing some activity it seems and the home is always spotlessly clean and fresh. It is, in fact, one of the only homes that you welcome the smell of the cooking as it always seems to be nice freshly cooked homestyle meals. The staff have always gone above and beyond what you would expect them to do and seem to genuinely care about each and every one of those they have care of. I would say one of the very best around locally.

Aveley Lodge is a wonderful care home. I have nothing but praise for the care given to my mother. She and I have no complaints whatsoever – the staff, food, rooms, cleanliness and activities are all first-rate. Mum is 96 now and always looks well dressed and cared for. Every member of our family that has visited has been so impressed with Aveley Lodge and all remark how well mum looks. 5 star.

Mum was made extremely welcome and the care team were excellent. The rooms are comfortable and kept clean and well decorated, although some do not provide enough space for comfortable seating. There are three separate lounges with TVs if required, and a lovely garden with outdoor seating for when the weather is suitable. All meals are home-cooked and the residents were unanimous in their praise for the chef.

Excellent level of care and awareness of needs up to and including end of life. Friendly environment, excellent standard of accommodation on one level, immaculately clean, beautiful grounds set in the peaceful surrounding. Normally (Pre COVID) a huge varied range of fun and stimulating activities entertainment and events led by an activities coordinator. Very caring and well-trained staff, fabulous food provided by two employed on-site chefs, monthly newsletter both printed and email updates/alerts as needed Facebook etc. Mum has been a resident for over 3-years now, and she is happy and considers it her home. Perfection does not exist, but Aveley Lodge, in my opinion, is as near this as is humanly possible and has remained so even during this pandemic. Knowing Mum is safe, well cared for and happy has/is of great comfort.

My mother was a resident at Aveley Lodge for approximately two and a half years due to her need for full-time care because of advancing dementia and other complex health issues. I have no reservations at all in recommending Aveley Lodge for the incredibly high level of care, friendship, compassion and commitment that they displayed towards my mother and, indeed, extended to my whole family. Staff at Aveley Lodge don’t just go through the motions of providing care, they take time to get to know their residents, to make them laugh, to stimulate their senses, and to hold their hands when times are tough. Trusting other people to look after a loved one at the end of their life is never easy but Aveley Lodge helped to make this time special for all of us and for that we are very grateful.

Mum’s life at Aveley Lodge has meant a safe, secure and happy last 3 and half years. An understanding of how much mum loved music, how it touched her, allowed her to come to life and allowed us to see her more like mum/grandma has been really appreciated. Everyone at Aveley Lodge certainly has lived up to the ‘care’ part of the name in abundance and provided mum with a real ‘home’ too where she has lived with respect and dignity. The last few weeks have truly demonstrated all of your complete selfless devotion to those in your care and their families. Unable to be with her ourselves, we cannot thank everyone enough for everything you have done to keep mum feeling as loved and comfortable as possible – especially over the last few weeks.

To all the staff at Aveley Lodge Care Home

Just a little note to tell you all how much you are appreciated, especially during these challenging times. Thank you all so much for everything you do to look after, care and keep safe our loved ones.

To All the wonderful staff at Aveley Lodge

We just wanted to thank you all for the fantastic care you gave our Mum M. For the kindness, patience, dignity and love shown to our mum when she was at her most vulnerable, we will always be grateful to you.

A special mention to Heidi and Lynn for their genuine empathy and kindness towards me (Fiona) the night mum died, I will never forget it, thank you.

You all do an amazing job; a really difficult job and we appreciate more than we can say everything you did for mum and our family over the last eight months. With much love and heartfelt thanks

To All the Care Staff at Aveley Lodge

Thank you so much for all your hard work, care and attention you’ve given throughout this past year. We really do appreciate it.

To all the staff past and present of the Lodge

This is a big thank you for all the love and care that you gave Marji in her time with you. Marji is greatly missed but we do have our memories of her as she was before dementia set in. Since Marji passed, we have been put in contact with more members of Marji’s family that we had lost contact with! Thank you once again for all your love and care.

To All the staff of Aveley Lodge

Many thanks for the beautiful flowers sent for mum; they were much appreciated as was the presence at her funeral. All the family can never thank you enough for the loving care you gave to mum. Sincere thanks.

Dear Deborah, Michael, Jackie and colleagues

I just wanted to pass on my thanks to all at Aveley Lodge for the care you gave mum in the last few months of her life. From day one, Aveley Lodge felt friendly and welcoming and as close to being at home as possible in the circumstances. In the final days of her life, staff were compassionate and responsive to mums needs. Enjoy the chocolates!

To All the Care Staff

My sincere thank you to everyone involved in any way with providing the care for my sister. Your devotion to a difficult task was very much appreciated. Thank you also for making my husband and myself welcome on our visits, we will miss them!

To Emma and all the carers at Aveley Lodge Care Home

Thank you for all the care you gave my mum in her final years of life, you all do a wonderful job under difficult circumstances at times and each and everyone of you who I made contact with were fantastic! Mum never once complained about being there and thoroughly enjoyed her time. My only regret is not moving here there sooner! All the best for the future.

Dear Care staff past and present

It is with great sadness that we must write to you all as Sylvia, our mum, nan and great nan has passed away. We know it was a huge decision for Sylvia to move from her home of independent living into Aveley Lodge but as her dementia was increasing, it was completely the right choice. The quality of life Sylvia had whilst living at Aveley Lodge improved immensely, with routine throughout the day and craft activities we know that Sylvia took part in, all helped by making her days interesting and enjoyable and were such a pleasure to see and hear about when we all visited. The photo album we received was a lovely compilation of some of the activities Sylvia participated in. We must thank each and everyone of you that contributed in some way to make Sylvia’s later years some of her most memorable, this was only due to the up most care and attention showed by the staff at Aveley Lodge.

I just wanted to bring to your attention a conversation at Colchester General Hospital on Friday last when I accompanied Pam to her angioplasty. Mum was admitted to the Elective Surgery Unit where she was put in an operating gown. The staff who attended to her asked me where my mum was resident. They were surprised (amazed) at how clean and tidy she was and particularly the care that had been given to ensuring that she was smartly “turned out”. This level of attention was not something that they would usually encounter with patients coming from care homes. Many thanks to all at Aveley.

My father recently received end of life care at Aveley Lodge and all the staff were truly amazing especially Sarah 1. I could not have asked for better care for him. They were professional, caring, supportive and simply just lovely. Thank you, you will never know how much you helped with our sad loss

We recently delivered training at Aveley Lodge, and were very impressed at the welcoming, open, transparent service we saw, which is clearly dedicated to absolute customer service for the people they support.

Upon entering we were struck by how friendly and welcoming the atmosphere was, with highly polite and professional staff creating a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. It was plain to see that both residents and staff are highly valued here.

We also noticed how well the management was well led, and their strength in promoting a genuinely caring culture through great passion. Their strong knowledge around safeguarding after we delivered Safeguarding for Managers training was apparent.

We would highly recommend Aveley Lodge as a shining example of a person-centred service that puts people at it’s heart.

I just wanted to say “thank you” to you and the staff at Aveley. The past few days have been difficult for all the family, but this period has been made so much easier through the care and compassion shown by all your team. We have all felt “looked after” through the small and big things that you have done to make us feel ‘at home’. For mum to pass away in a place that she felt was home was always going to be such an important part of the picture, the fact that we also felt ‘at home’ was just wonderful. Thank you to all at Aveley Lodge

Aveley Lodge is my first experience of being in a care home having lived in my own home previously. I looked at two other homes before coming to Aveley and I knew this was the one as soon as I walked in. This was where I wanted to be. I like the fact it’s small, accessible and so friendly here. It’s also not too far from my home town of Mersea, so I can continue to see my friends and family who are always made so welcome here too. My room is adequate, it’s so sunny especially in the mornings and the garden is lovely too. I really don’t use it as much as I should! The staff are so good here, friendly and very caring. They really do look after me very well. I must say the food is also very good here too.

I’m so happy here, everyone looks after me very well. All the staff and the other residents are lovely. Such a nice bunch here. I simply cannot compare it to any of the other care homes I’ve stayed in before coming here. The food is excellent. My room is very comfy and the garden is lovely too. The place is so clean and the Home is run very well. I like the fact when the Doctor and nurses visit, I’m always seen in the privacy of my own room. The staff here always have our best interests at heart. When you see what we get here and how we live, its excellent. This really is the cream of the crop of all care homes!

Aveley Lodge is a very good, little home and very well run. The home is always lovely and clean and always looks very nice. It feels warm the whole time, I’m never cold. The staff look after me very well, with good attention to all the residents here. I’m so happy with what we do here, it’s ideal for all us residents. The food is good and the variety of activities on offer is great, I’m never bored! There’s always something to do. I personally enjoy reading and there’s always plenty to read. I also am a keen nature lover so the grounds here are perfect for me to do a spot of birdwatching using my binoculars. I’m quite happy to ask the staff if something needs tweaking.

Aveley is such a beautiful home and everyone here is so wonderful. What I like about it is its quiet and everyone looks so happy here. The food is beautiful, such a wide variety is offered, which is lovely. I like the opportunity that I get to take part in making food like I used to at home in the regular cooking club. All the staff are wonderful, they care for all of us and they always listen to us. Nothing is ever too much trouble and they really are so good. The activities on offer are nice. I’m never bored here and there’s so many varied things on offer to do. I love the theme days the best as we get to dress up and help make the decorations which we all get involved in. I enjoy the knitting club and have just finished making booties and blankets for the local hospital. It’s nice to keep my hobbies up. The grounds are beautiful with a sunny courtyard too which I enjoy sitting in. My room overlooks this courtyard which I like. The views from the garden at the back are spectacular over the countryside, its brilliant! My room is always kept very clean and tidy in fact the whole home is always very clean, tidy and smells nice all the time. The team are supportive of my friends and family and they are always made to feel so welcome too. It feels like home and I feel like I’m part of an extended family here.

On winning the “Putting People First” Award at the East of England Care Awards 2017, the judges said that we are “A dedicated, passionate team of care professionals that really do put the service users at the heart of everything they do

On becoming runners up the CaringUK Awards 2017 in the category for Commitment to Training and Development Award, the judges said that “The Management team want their staff to feel fully supported as a team member”.

On becoming runners up the CaringUK Awards 2017 in the category for Catering Team of the Year Award, the judges said that “The the two cooks really like to champion that the Home is just that, its a home, for one big family”.

Aveley is absolutely marvellous! They provide an excellent service here. It makes me realise just how well off I am compared to others in the same position as me in other care homes. We are very lucky here. I love it!

Aveley Lodge was recommended to me by the District Nurse. I had never been to a care home before so I was unsure what to expect. On my very first day here everyone was so welcoming! I have been here 6 weeks now, I have a lovely room and I’m so happy here. It’s so clean and smells lovely wherever you go around the home. In the short time I’ve been here my health has improved immensely, my appetite has returned and I actually enjoy eating food again. The food here is wonderful! The staff are so patient and kind, I like them very much. They look after me day and night and that gives me a lot of reassurance. I join in all the activities on offer which keeps me occupied. I can finally do my knitting again which I have sorely missed for many years. I love my knitting and it was the first thing I got back into since arriving thanks to the encouragement of the activities staff. I’ve also joined the cooking club and help prepare food again. I’ve made some new friends too which is great!

In the course of our business we visit and inspect over 100 care homes each year, Aveley Lodge is simply incredible, every single team member we spoke to were polite friendly and very helpful, all the residents we saw were happy and fully engaged and the quality of care was truly amazing, what strikes you first when visiting Aveley Lodge is the building, its maintained to an exceptional standard, the gardens are beautiful as is the view, they even have a large fish pond with a glass wall so people in wheel chairs can sit and watch the fish, it’s that attention to detail you will find throughout Aveley Lodge, we would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Aveley Lodge if you are looking for a home for a loved one, it’s a non-corporate family run business where everyone is treated with respect. Thank you Michael and Deborah having us today, see you again next year!

I am extremely happy here and feel I have come home to my roots (my grandfather originally owned the land next door to Aveley!). Since arriving, I am able to join in all of activities on offer and there’s certainly lots of different things to do here each day. I understand it must be hard to please everyone all the time but it’s so good here. I have lovely home cooked meals, the staff are very good, all of them are very kind and treat you as an individual. The cleaning ladies do an amazing job, the home is utterly spotless and always smells nice. I’d like to thank you for having me, I love it here and I feel I have settled in well and treated as an individual.

I have been living at Aveley Lodge for many months now. Before coming here, I had no idea what a care home would be like as this is my first experience of living in a care home. I wasn’t sure if I’d like being in a care home after living in my own home for many years but I’m happy to say I’m used to it now and I love it here! I have the freedom to come and go and do as much or as little as I please with no pressure put upon me. My room has everything I need and it’s lovely and quiet, just the way I like it! There are so many activities on offer, residents are spoilt for choice. I enjoy my reading and I simply can’t think of anything else that could be offered here. The food is great especially the roast beef on Sundays! The home itself is extremely clean and tidy and I cannot find fault with anything. The staff are good and look after me very well. I’m able to see my family regularly and keep up my links with them. I’m very happy here at Aveley.

Aveley Lodge is my first experience of a care home and it’s exactly how I thought a care home would and should be. Firstly, the variety of activities on offer is astounding, there is so much going, one can never be bored! I take part in most things daily especially the arts and crafts which I enjoy immensely. I used to love my art work and its great being able to do this again here. Secondly, the food here is absolutely marvellous especially the cakes! We’re very lucky to have some wonderful dishes cooked for us here. Thirdly, I’m so happy with my room, it’s lovely and sunny and overlooks the courtyard. Fourthly, the rear garden is beautiful and I love the fish pond with its waterfall. I will often sit and admire the views over the countryside. I used to walk in those fields with my husband when we were younger! Finally, the cleanliness of the home in general, I’d mark as A1! The cleaners do a marvellous job and it always smells fresh and clean. There’s no place quite like Aveley Lodge.

When we started looking for a Care Home, we didn’t know where to begin or much about what qualities we were looking for in a home. We just wanted somewhere that “V” was going to be well looked after and cared for. Our daughter did some in depth research and found Aveley Lodge. She spoke to the extremely helpful management team over the telephone who took the time to answer all her questions and the next day, she paid a visit. Aveley must have made a wonderful impression as no less than 5 days later, “V” moved in! We were extremely pleased with the friendly and warm approach from the senior staff and management team on arrival. Nearly two years on, we are still both very pleased “V” is here, and are extremely satisfied with the home. The food is excellent, and the two chefs are superb. From a relative’s point of view, its great we can help ourselves to teas and coffees when visiting. There are excellent activities on offer. The staff are helpful, responsive and provide excellent care and are just overall, great! We recommend Aveley Lodge all the time to people looking for a care home for their loved ones.

I have been at Aveley Lodge for 6 months now and I’m loving every minute of it here. I lived in my own home for many years but after my husband died and my health deteriorated, I realised I needed to be somewhere where I could be looked after. Through the help of a friend I found Aveley Lodge and I have not looked back! I arrived quite suddenly and was not very well at the time due to the serious health problems I had encountered at home before my move here, but with the help and support of the wonderful team here at Aveley Lodge, I got better and stronger each day and now I feel like my old self again!  I feel like I have definitely come to the right place. I have even met up with an old nursing friend who lives here too! Everyone is so good to me here, I feel very well looked after and I know how care should be as I’m an ex-midwife! There’s lots of wonderful and varied activities on offer and I thoroughly enjoy the entertainment that’s on offer. The food is marvellous too. All I can say is everyone is so lovely and caring at Aveley Lodge, thank you.

“My company were hired by Aveley lodge to complete some renovation works to their gates and railings. Just wanted to say what a nice place the care home is. Whilst we were working there we were well looked after by the friendly staff and we were impressed with the overall atmosphere and pleasant surroundings”.

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